Server activities report – automatic sending notification and warning, activities log from server – For all businesses
By admin - 06/09/2019
SmallNET’s Server Activities Report software automatic sending server log, notification and warning as per schedule to remote Administrators – have been widely used for our customers effectively.
Benefits of the software:
Server is an important device, as the central of data storage and domain controller for all computers in the LAN of business. So managing and monitoring server activities is very important.
SmallNET’s Server Activities Report help remote admin to monitor all remote servers activities from anywhere, at anytime. Therefore, all warning, symptoms arising from the system will be checked and resolved quikly to avoid incidents affecting data and work.

SmallNET is always here, willing to consult for free and provide more detailed information about the service. Please contact us:
SmallNET Service Support Center: R1611, 18T1 Le Van Luong, Thanh Xuan, Hanoi
Hotline: 086 960 0425
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